Pre-CU or nothing. The CU was just a nerf so they had an excuse to not fix the existing problems. I loved Pre-CU though. I know of at least 20 people from my online clan that would re-enlist if we were allowed Pre-CU.
DrSaw, See you in Guild Wars. Will be going by same name.
Former Master AS/SW/Artisan/Merchant
Former FS Jedi Grinder Ranger/Swordsman
Former Master Doctor
I have cancelled all 3 of my accounts. And yes, cancelling my AS account was emotional. As I said before...I shouldn't have to re-learn completely the game and professions I have been playing for 1.5 years.
Helllooooo Guild Wars!
You obviously don't play a crafting character then. "combat upgrade" should have been just that. I agree with SonOfAGhost. SOE acted in a Totalitarian manner punishing anyone who criticized them. As a former 12 point AS, none of my layers conver…