Originally posted by Obraik
Originally posted by digriz
Unless you want your heart broken, why would you do such a thing??
Not everyone wants to be a sheep, some like to have their own opinions
I think Dig's exactly right, perfect way to…
rofl, Sinister - pretty well said. I have been trying to take advantage of the "cure" and go out and do things like mow my lawn and clean up my house, but no, I'm still addicted badly to computer games, any games - just cured of SWG. Which is really…
Looks like the only thing affecting Jedi is another nerf, not a repair.
I quit last month with 98.5 badges (half-way through my 2nd pilot prof), I was a total badge-whore gunning for that 100th one, and I wish they'd stick all those badges where t…
Erillion, I've appreciated much of what you've added to the overall SWG discussion for many moons with your many intelligent posts. I direct this only to you, I guess, because most of the rest of the CU supporters ...or more accurately, continuing S…
Anybody who can stand there and support the CU by stating that those vets who left just failed to adapt, or didn't like change and found it all so foreign (true), or were no longer uber (not terribly relevant... they became uber once, they'd do so a…
...And another thing. A lot of reviewers and players alike have commented that SWG-CU is a lot like EQ2 or other 'traditiona' MMORPGs, and even more like console games. I think, and what I'd like to see MMORPG.COM's take on, that SOE are taking SWG …
Monthigos, thanks for a well-written and well-thought out review. I played SWG on the Ahazi server for 13 months, up until a week after the "Combat Upgrade", and cancelled my account a couple of days after it went live, so here's my feedback.