news: meeting this thursday. (guildhall)
TM begins campaign of GvG due after meeting.
PvP Training will be a twice a week event.
Revamp of cape decision votes will begin soon after thursday's meeting as well.
in other …
wow. an anti-flamming post. just keeps getting flammed.. where will it end?!
Why Can't We Be Friends?
Why Can't We Be Friends??
Why Can't We Be Freinds???
sounds like you just Burnt yourself out. you gotta take breaks man. can't binge on something for a week long and expect to still be interested the next.
it's fun by yourself i solo'd Pre Searing (if you don't know what searing is you'll defiently find out ) but yeah it's fun, but sometimes you Defiently need a group and thats where the Real fun comes in.
Tip: To get a group going just stand in a t…
i don't know... it's been a lonnggggg time since i played last. I started in march or something, i got GuildWars a few weeks ago, i'm almost a level 20 (level 18 Ranger/Elementalist) It's my first character. You can't do as much as you can in World …
This game is great, got it yesterday, can't stay away from it! it is always moving you in a direction, but i like that direction, i love story lines. I'm 25 pages into the book it gave me, it's actually a pretty good read. This game is DEEP, if you …
good, i Hate grinding.... i want something fun without it being too involved and too repetitive... sounds like GuildWars might be what i'm looking for! I'm picking it up tomorrow!
Hey I'm a really good story teller, i make scenerios for like heroscape and other games, i'm very creative and descriptive - just give me a setting, date, and such and anything you'd like.