I've got nothing against the company but I honestly don't see how they could be considered innovative. They stick to the formula that works and produce the same games over and over again. That's how they want to do things... fine... but you won't ca…
Originally posted by gamerman98
. and as for KIE even if u took the title u have nothing else. the overall game is mine and im the only one with the complete story and details.
EDITED: hellifino69n is right, it doesn't need to be said.
I'm don…
Well let me see: I forgot a few things. Gamerman was in constant demand of new resources, he was unable to be online for the required work, he asked 20 times per day for access to our SVN and source code even though he knew that was not possible unt…
I'm not going to dignify this with an argument, and I will say that there are absolutely no copyright issues because we are not producing KIE anymore. Certain team members, those who were not troublesome, illiterate, demanding, impatient or immature…
Ianubisi, point taken, but I just dont see how the fact that were thinking ahead might suggest that our priorities are somehow misplaced.
Darquenblade, how does an in-game radio station deter in any way from a role-playing environment? Couldn't …
Originally posted by ianubisi
2) Editorial: this question begs to question the sense of priorities for your development. People play these games for the gameplay, for the skills/classes, for the content, for the challenge, for questing or explora…
Originally posted by Bhazir
The game looks good, but I'm still a bit hesitent on the mix of HC and Normal characters on the same server. And also got a few concerns what happens to a guild/clan when the leader is killed? Or what do you mean with per…
The thing about starting with an acoustic is that it gives you time to learn the basics. When you run and pick up an electric straight off the bat, most beginners will just whip on the distortion and play power cords. This will cover up most mistake…
Thanks for clarifying that Tom.
Everyone is entitled to enjoy the style of game play that they like most; that's why there's variety in the industry. We're hoping to find a common balance to please everyone: PVE and PVP fans alike.
That's a…
Glad to hear it Mickey! We're planning some very exciting features, if I do say so myself. Most big companies don't want to take chances to advance the genre and create something new. We do, and we hope the players will enjoy what they've been askin…
Thanks for the good words everyone.
Lebbb, your concerns are well met, but the dynamic world is infact already functioning, and the Torque Engine is no to be underestimated :-)
Thanks milhoan
Unfortunately we're having some unexpected problems with our forums at the moment; please bear with us while we fix the problem.
EDIT: the problem has been resolved.
The reason why companies take your credit card number is to insure that users don't abuse the service by creating multiple accounts and never paying.
They will never charge you without asking; at the end of the trial period you are prompted as to …
Err... I should clarify: our games cater to a more open-ended PVP system and a brand new take on dying. Forget the massive grind, trash talking and stealing though ;-)
Horsas, keep your eye on these forums this week: two new indie games are soon-to-be announced and they might be just what you've been waiting for.
*Tries to look mysterious*
*Scurries away*
Firefox, UNLIKE IE, is up to date with current Web Standards. Anyone who has ever coded a line of CSS in their life will know of the ridiculous compatability issues that go along with IE.
Christ, I'd rather code for Netscape 4 than a bloody Microsof…