to prove banning accounts and cd keys dose no good... i asked around today for cd keys from diffrent clans and i got about 20 keys in about 1 night..... well... mayb newb will go out and by the game agine .. but for most of the "expert" hackers they…
most hackers run bots and if u ever been to clan channel or to clan rectruit ment u would see tht most plp have 5-20 bots and each bot has its own cdkey plus.. its not hard to git a new cd key these days, i have about 65 cdkeys that i traded illys f…
Banning accounts and cd keys of hackers dose no good cuz its not hard to make another acount and most plp have extra cd keys theyse for bots and other things... mayb if blizzard did more ip bans then plp would stop hacking.