in regards to what pirrg said. "wow is a themeparck for children with ADD." (along those lines anyway).
I find this very offensive. I have ADHD (a form of ADD) and i do not play, or hold any affiliation whatsoever with WoW. In fact, i play EQ2, its…
OMG this just in:
Four mew races to add to the two new races which arent so new:
1. Sea Urchin disguised as Half-half-elf-dwarven-orcish-human.
2. Grumpy German Butcher
3. Inconspicuous Ear Lobe
When will the craziness end?!?!
It is ludicrous to suggest such a notion of considering WoW over Guild Wars or vica-versae.
They are two very different games, both in community, graphics, gameplay, involvement. The only similarity I can identify between the two g…