Great idea OP! If you want to get the word out that is the smart way to do it. I don't play the game anymore nor have I since the CU (well came back for like a day after NGE hit). I still have fun, in a sense, by coming here to see all the wonde…
I have been trying out games all over the place ever since I quit after the CU. Nothing really out there compares. Personally I am waiting on Lord of the Rings Online and Pirates of the Burning Sea.
If you are looking for a real immersive, non…
Let me go ahead and ask for forgiveness on this post. It's almost 2 a.m. and I am falling asleep.
With that said, I have to agree with you Mandolin (and myself I suppose). If it's not a game and it is not fun, why bother playing it? If at any…
For one, disseminate information as accurately and timely as possible. Stay in touch with your customer base. That is the VERY short answer.
I wrote a few papers on this and SWG was actually mentioned a couple of times (again, on what not to …
Ok, maybe I came off a little harsh as well. So I apologize. You probably struck a nerve with me saying I know nothing about strife. Water under the bridge.
I am not beating a drum saying the game sucks or is wonderful, I am simply stating th…
Definition of Strife: bitter conflict or rivalry: bitter and sometimes violent conflict, struggle, or rivalry (SWG equals bitter not violent)
Here's a tip: Why don't you try not insulting everyone who comes on here and makes an objective com…
Cancelled. Got Jedi back when it meant something then sold it a few weeks after CU. Played other character about 3 weeks in CU then sold it. I guess you can say I jumped train before the wreck. God bless Ebay.
I do love reading about and ch…
Thanks for the input. Maybe I will just continue keeping myself engaged fully with the real world till something worth the while comes out (Pirates, hopefully). The social life had stopped for quite a while for a period while playing SWG.
I just quit SWG 20 days prior to my 1 year veteran reward. Need some love here. I would like to try EVE Online in hopes of being in a more mature gaming community. My email is Thank you.