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  • Originally posted by bum37 lol, guys just ignore Richter, it's not going through his thick skull so I just stopped arguing with him.  LOL! Bum-whatever, like I said, please go play Pong in a dark hole somehwere. You bore me. I guess it's …
  • Did you even bother reading through the whole report or just skimmed through it to find data to support your one-sided arguement? Here is the insert  from the report about the numbers on lineage verbatim: *sigh* Yes, I did read it and still s…
  • Originally posted by Yahya http://pweb.netcom.com/~sirbruce/Subscriptions.html Very interesting data indeed. It does strenghten my belief that the 4.5 Million Lineage claims are bogus and utter lies. Especially when compared with the leader o…
  • Originally posted by bum37 lol, are you really that stupid or are you so attention depraved that you would type up something this absurd, or do you just live in a cave?   and his comment on the internet level being nothing compared to US... how li…
  • Originally posted by Quess lineages is that big over there, but you have to remimber som of the other weard stuff going on over there, they are light years ahead of the rest of the world when you look at internet development and the use of it. …
  • Originally posted by ParaTrooper Also taken from http://www.lineage.com : "In Korea, its blockbuster hit game Lineage™ commands a 47% market share and attracts the greatest number of concurrent users in the world. Currently there are more than fou…
  • Originally posted by bum37 2 things : 1. Lineage "used to" have 4 mil subscribers couple years ago when it was at it's height, now it's one point something million. Where did you get THAT information?? 4 million? IMHO that is the wet-dream o…
  • Their support address is all over their website.... www.eve-online.com  
  • I'm affraid there's not much you can do, except for finding some friend with a credit card, send him cash money and ask him to pay for your subscription. Ofcourse this can only be done with someone very close to you, someone you can trust. Hope …
  • So little time, so many beta's.....
  • Yup..same here...and with 1000 others...long outstanding issue that doesnt get fixed because they say it's beta...duh.  
  • Go for it! You will be astounded by the graphics and the depth of the game. Learning curve may be a bit steep, but worth it 100%!    
  • If you are so much into grouping it really surpirses me you don't like AO. AO has one of the better class distinctions and the power of a group in AO really comes down to the optimal mix of classes/skills. I'm doubting the fact you tried AO long en…
    in Changes Comment by Richter January 2004