Look this is the way I feel. I don't really care about supporting the dev. They make a product and I buy it that should be the extent of our relationship. I not here to defend a game or the people who make them, they get paid either way. I measure a…
Lonzo writes:Subscription model is the future. Companies had the chance to implement a successful F2P model and failed! It is the subscription based games where communities are built and where people settle down. F2P kills gamelore and communities. …
I can't believe so many people commented about this. I like how people who say it should be p2p say "it will keep all the kids out who I don't wanna play with". Wow, didnt know the game was a club that you have to be invited in to play. My bad didnt…
This to me seems like a load of crap. If you got to justified playing a game by saying "well I pay 15 dollars a month to play this shit, I better keep playing it." is a horrible reason to play any game. Some of us don't have 15 dollars to spend ever…
My fellow gamers hear me! why must we fight like this? Who else would understand your passion for gaming than you fellow gamers? We all love an hate lots of things about games, but we share a common love for gameing. Pvp and pve should be a choice. …
I disagree with this whole honor code crap. One in wvwvw in guild wars 2 you know what your getting into when you enter it. So if I shoot an arrow threw your back while you busy fighting a mob why shouldn't I? Its open world pvp not like you didn't …
Ok, I am going to say something. People who are negative about this game are so for one reason. In an mmo setting there is only one way to play Practical. What dose this mean? I will talk about guild wars 2 as an example. Now before I get into a ra…
Man I never used my horse in either of those games. That mofo kept dieing on me, so after a while it just seemed pointless and a chore. Now this is just my opinion on the situation so don't shoot the messanger my fellow gamers., but they need to m…
Know what I think. Who gives a flying effer. I mean here are debating on crapy like our say does anything to the over all decision being may to make it p2p or b2p or even f2p. The fact is they need to make a pay check and what ever way they seem to…