Blizzard also has Starcraft II and it's newest xpac on sale. Diablo same thing. 50% off. I took advantage of this offer! Now I have lots of games and not enough time. lol
Originally posted by shanert The housing-zones ARE instanced, but not every single house.
Housing is coming 2,5 - 3 months after launch, with the first content-patch. They will bring content-patches every 3 months. The reason for housing coming la…
This article is completely my sense of humor! Are you somehow channeling me Scary?! This game is also my current addiction right now. Haven't been this enthralled in a game for a very long time. Thank you for making me laugh my butt off!!!
Originally posted by BigCountry Schedule it up for next week fo sure!! I am pretty much booked this weekend as well. I might be able to squeeze in a few hours Sat night. Maybe.
When I get in game I am going to start forming Polaris or Hellfire…
Nice article! I am really excited to see what this is! Ultima VI was my first RPG. It's the game that started it all for me and I love the whole series.
Hail Lord British!
Originally posted by Aerowyn Originally posted by BillMurphy
Looks like I'm staying in Kingsmouth forever... In all seriousness, I think we should make a unified Cabal (all of us, Dragon, Temp) screenshot soon. Can anyone make it Saturday around…