Originally posted by camphor1 Originally posted by Stiler From watching the Q&A panel this was two of the main things that to me are disappointing.
One guy asks what happens if there's a rallying call and if no one helps or does it, wi…
I don't mind the art style at all, especially since it will allow for emotions and facial expressions to be done in real time with the actual players face.
A scenario pops into mind of a group of "men" (i say men because there likely wont be child…
Originally posted by Zorlofe
I have to agree OP. I think there was some very unprofessional behavior going on there especially having a young girl come up there and emberassing her in front of everyone worldwide. Also the fact that people in chat w…
I think the thing to remember here is...
1) Vegas (adult playground atmosphere)
2) Convention (let your hair down atmosphere)
This isn't a presentation to the board. Will kids perhaps see this? yep, but it's your responsibility as a parent, to po…
I see nothing wrong with his language or even the wrinkled shirt. In fact I thought it rather refreshing that he could show up to a convention filled with a community of people he helped form and that he was able to just be himself rather than some …
Originally posted by Shadowguy64 Originally posted by Aelious
Not for the cash shop but for making your character look the way you want. I'd also like for the slot restrictions to be removed if in the appearance slot if classes will be …
Originally posted by asdar
Originally posted by Beshude
I'm not saying that it shouldn't likely take roughly 40 levels. I was simply saying that i would be apposed it being able to trigger it only once you reached 40 rather than just getti…
I'm not saying that it shouldn't likely take roughly 40 levels. I was simply saying that i would be apposed it being able to trigger it only once you reached 40 rather than just getting to X faction level.
I go along with the concept of this, in that you should be able to switch factions. However, I don't think that it should have level triggers, if you were even implying that. And I certainly don't think that you should gain a racial ability as this …
Originally posted by Ramanadjinn
And yes I agree having gear not be the focus of raids would be great, but again most pvers are looking for something tangible that cant be taken away from them, something permanent. I suppose you can't …
Going to just leave with one last comment, I really need to head home and attend to personal stuff.
I love MMORPGS, I love the exploration, the lore and the adventure (and yes in my adventure there are other sentient beings that I can battle with).…
Originally posted by Holophonist Originally posted by Beshude Originally posted by Holophonist Originally posted by Beshude Simple, gold and materials. In DFUW a large portion of my clan (about 30 members or so) took on the hardest mob in t…
Originally posted by Lichmorge I have a couple points to make. Looting off other players, leaning the power towards the PvEer, and making a challenge for the PvPer.
As a PvPer, and one who supports OWFFA PvP, looting from your victims is a T…
Originally posted by Holophonist Originally posted by Beshude Simple, gold and materials. In DFUW a large portion of my clan (about 30 members or so) took on the hardest mob in the game. In an ow pvp full loot game. Granted the loot tables in the …
Simple, gold and materials. In DFUW a large portion of my clan (about 30 members or so) took on the hardest mob in the game. In an ow pvp full loot game. Granted the loot tables in the game kind of SUCK at the moment so the reward wasn't worth it, b…
Originally posted by Holophonist Originally posted by Gallus85 Originally posted by Ramanadjinn Originally posted by Beshude And lastly for those that advocate some kind of loot system for pvp. If this is implemented in a game at all I woul…
Originally posted by Ramanadjinn Originally posted by Beshude I would hate to see people not rewarded in some way for spending countless hours tackling end game content (provided it's actually difficult content) Simply to have it stripped away wit…
Fair enough, I can see the merit in what you're saying. And again I've played many games that were primarily pvp games and love it. I suppose it all comes down to what SOE has envisioned for gear in general and in just what way are they going to rew…
Created this account simply to respond to this heh.
First, I love PVE, been playing since EQ1 1999, D&D and MUDS ( we've heard this all before) and played many games since, and tackling well designed pve encounters will always have a soft spot …