I played PS back before core combat and BFR's I want to get back into it but I hear that the BFR's totally ruined it. My friend said theres no more taking bases and all that good stuff how it used to be when it first released. Anybody got any feedba…
O sorry. I didnt know it wouldnt let you on from there. i thought you would let you start it and then liek type in your user name and pw then not let you on. sorry
I am doing everything it says, can somebody please help me? Still getting 20-40 KB/s, I know you said to look on forum but thats not helping much, and the leader is not on, can somebody (that actually got it to work) please explain how to get it at …
nope its plugged into the wall and everythign with the computer is plugged into the thign with multiple out lets, i dunno what they call them and thats plugged into the wall
1) Nothing right now, i dont think there are any worth playing atm
2)been in SoR, KO, UXO but UXO hasnt started yet and i really want to play it
3) WoW,DnL, and MEO
I am loving it right now. I have a lvl 21 Knight of Creation that owns. The crafting system is the best ive ever seen. The only problem i see is that there are not many groups. The only groups i get into are the guild groups. But overall this is…
I dont know where you read that there were no merchants but that is very wrong. there is a pawnbroker where you sell all your junk and a consigner where you put items up for sale where people buy them. Crafting does not take money.When you join a c…
UXO beta hasnt even started. Some said it starts in April, wich is the time DnL expected to release so im prolly just gonna give theUXO account away when i get it and if they havnt forgotten about me
I really like this game. I love the crafting system. The only thing i dont like much is the multiclassing. Since so many people multiclass with the cleric to heal themselves, there arent that many groups. I just think it gets boring soloing 24/7…
Wait until all the new MMORPGs come out. The old ones arnt that good. These new ones (WoW, Dnl, UXO) are way better than any of the MMOs that are already released