We Americans are a very different culture about nudity then the rest of the world, that is a fact. So this is just part of the localization process as DK Kano stated.
I have been in the alpha since day 1. ..I can tell you Trion has no power at all...XLGames is completely in the drivers seat. Loom at the new p2w cash shop additions.
Last year at SoE live the hype was all about eqnext and it's supposed launch that year, well as usual smed BS...it was and that turned into landmark. So I can't blame anyone for being skeptical, let alone another year gone by with nothing about e…
I'm also an eq1 vet...my guild left eq1 after we beat Quarm in the PoP expansion. Eq1 then started to feel very non everquest like...eq 2 at launch was nothing better, I do Agree with DMkano. Game wasn't bad, just not everquest like...just like h…
.... it's not too late for a NA launch. But if they drag it out to an xmas launch that will not go over good i feel. Game is ready for beta now,Time to get it going.
Yaya....honestly there is no need for an alpha, since the game is out overseas. Beta I can fully understand to see if the translation is correct. I am hoping for a summer release,not a drawn out xmas launch.