Hmmm....guess my previous post was too long, what with all the quoting and all, since it cut off the last of it. Oh well, not going to repost that Suffice to say that with Cata, WoW has become a steaming pile of canine feces that I just …
Well, sorry about the wall of text in response, but having played the MMO that was the answer to all these issues, I have to put my two cents in.
I'm not sure but I think he means more like "it hasnt changed as in it's still the same we had in va…
Originally posted by Ozmodan
It is still the same rigid class/level system introduced by EQ and there is absolutely nothing new that has not been done before in the genre. Just get tired of silly developers trying to out better Wow with the sam…
There was a time when Alb was the weakest realm in the game if you were talking 8 vs. 8 fights and this was rightly so as Alb has always had the largest population by far, generally 1.5-2 x the next most populous realm. These days however, Albs can …
I anxiously awaited the publishing of Shadowbane and bought it soon after it came out. I played for about 2 days and cancelled my subscription (when it was still pay-to-play.) I've recently started playing again, and it's better now and probably one…
"How will that help the casual gamer though? Raids, by their very nature, require a lot more time than a casual player has."
Well, that depends on exactly how casual a player you are. If you log in for 30 minutes, log out and watch an hour of TV, …
Originally posted by Elnator
From everything I have read and knowing how raiding affected EQ, even though I've never had the "pleasure" of experiencing TOA first hand I can see how this is exactly what irked players about it. TO…
Also see :
And for a Comics site :
Also GU Comics will occasionally run a DAoC comic :
Originally posted by Elnator
The only thing the 'classic' servers lack is the TOA expansion areas which are only high level raid content that takes, literally, 12 hours of solid playtime to do. (can't do it in parts, have to actually be at the key…
I have to throw something in here too. It is true that the numbers of new players on the normal servers has dropped dramatically. It has not ceased however. In the last month alone my guild has recruited at least 5-6 people who are totally new to th…
As of game version 1.79 :
Power And Health Regeneration Rate Change
- We have increased the Health and Power regeneration rates at lower levels, to make leveling a more enjoyable experience for everyone. The increase is significant at lower lev…
Originally posted by yourmom12192
I dont mean to sound stupid but what is ToA and why does everyone hate it?
Currently playing CoH: Giggity Giggity (liberty), Generic wit numbers for now virtue, and more
As stated, ToA basically …
Originally posted by Vorthrax
When I played DAoC your gear lost durability points (or something - I can't remember) but you could repair the gear. The problem was that eventually, the gear would wear down so far that it could never be repaired aga…
Originally posted by Zerocool032
Dont join yet...wait for the new will be awsome
Pretty much a bunch of ToA changes, scrolls will drop like crazy, and you dont need the artifact anymore, just encounter credit.
Btw if somone smart could a…
Originally posted by Unojc
Im not a pvp player. I have always liked pve. How are the pve servers and does the no pvp in those servers really take away from it. If I choose pvp server will I still have fun or do I need to worry about someone kil…
Originally posted by yourmom12192
Many ppl have commented in positive ways about Daoc, from the PvE to their extrodinary RvR.
I wanted to know if this 4 year old mmo truly is the best game for pvpers... and if it has good team play...
I also wante…
Originally posted by Jodokai
Wow, thanks for this thread. I just quit playing SWG and EQ2 and was looking for a new game, with a community like this, I realize DAoC is NOT it.
Good point. If you don't want to play in a community where people e…
Well, before it gets closed, let me add in that the way you, angerr, said it in your first post, it seemed to me that you were saying you WANTED to solo and found it boring. You later clarified it when you said the only groups you could find were in…
Well, as I said at the beginning of my post, I wasn't so much trying to flame you as being not understanding how you found it boring. Especially if you play EQ, where, from my understanding, the entire high-end game is grinding and raiding with only…
Originally posted by JulianDracos
So what you should play is a Ranger. It doesn't matter if it is regular or classic. You have the farthest reach in the game with your bow. You will be able to shoot and hit from a place that a caster won't be able…