For some reason I cant get the client to resume downloading when it is shut down. Considering Im not in a position to leave my PC on for 9 hours+ , looks like the game is a no go.
I dont mind downloading huge game files, but surely there must …
Thanks for the replies guys. Sadly even with an overnight download, this install/patch will take forever.
My ADSL 2 Connection is generally good, but with this AOC patcher its slower than slow. Not viable unfortunetly, might see if I can get a…
Nice post, and from one old timer to another old timer, I agree with many of your points.
The point you raised about the sound of items being shifted around bags, is a good one. Its funny how the little touches add to the polish of a game!
The OP was interesting and on the money as well.
Im happy to say that WAR is a great game, but Im starting to think its not quite for me. I'll be heading back to Lich King. Whilst Im enjoying the Public quests and seeing this and that, Im not…
Great question.
I'll be scoring both, because as I see it..they are both compelling fantasy gaming environments.
Mines of Moria? For pure adventuring / exploring, lets face it..this is the place to be in Middle Earth. You can have your Gap of Ro…
I'll commend TR on its main advantage at the moment. Its got a section of loyal players that really love the game, and are willing to go into bat for it.
Yep I gave up the game recently, but I certainly dont hate it ..or..want it to go away. The M…
No Im not being silly. I've heard the arguement of "it gets better and more challening later"
Im a slow leveller, and dont want to pay another month(s) sub fees to get to the bits I want to play now. The bits being tactical combat that is challeni…
I think TR has a vibe of having a dedicated, very loyal core fan base..its just that this base is small.
The game doesnt seem to have taken off well with the MMO community at large. If Conan and Warhammer are quality titles, TR will continue its l…
What keeps me coming back to Wow is the combat. It feels 'nice'. I cant define it exactly, maybe its the feeling of contact with mobs, or some sort of 'weight' behind movement..but its something I see lacking in many other MMO's, notably my brief co…
Thanks for that detailed advice (appreciate your time on my query). I'll stick to in game loading for the moment as its spreading the download out as I explore the game, which is more friendly to my quota. The downloads between zones seem quite mini…
Thanks for the reply!
200Meg Approx is fine for me as an install, I was just worried as when I tried EQ2 it was gigabytes and blew my monthly quota out.
So it doesntt install updates / maps etc from the other expansions ? (as Eq2 does).