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  •  Knew something was up when I saw the mail. Thank you very much for the summary!   I'm looking forward to the Kickstarter campaign.
  • Whooaaaaaa! We're half way there. Whooooaaaa! Livin' on the pledgers~
  • I just encouraged my Star Citizen guild to come over. I hope at least some of the 3'112 players currently in the guild will find my post enticing enough to take a look or even pledge.
  • Those early assets look really promising. Good job! I can understand the criticism and would like it if you could heed those advices. Looking forward to your next steps. Hopefully the funding will be successful! 
  • It really is! I thought about writing a fan-fic myself but the lack of game lore stopped me. It is hard to write something when so much is still unsure. Maybe I'll get around to do it but I will definitely keep an eye on yours.
  • Very well done.
  • Thank you for your answers. After thinking some time about it and scouring through the forums I decided to buy the ID-Card. Looking forward to getting it and especially using it!  
  • What is your opinion on the concerns about the cyber-mage outfit? Some of us think that it's just highly unpractical to wear such kind of outfit. How far are the concept arts for male cyber-mage outfits? 
  • Originally posted by aberrantArbiter ..., patient alpha (the cyber mage) being found naked save for her scarf, ... Apparently, the scarf wasn't hers but is something "new". A symbiont through which she can interact with artefacts. Otherwise, I t…
  • I am thinking about buying the ID card. I think it's a good gimmick for supporting a great project. Is there a remote chance that I could use this as someone from Europe (more precisely Switzerland)? Will you think about us while you're laughing ma…
  • Originally posted by a-Melgam ... Thank you very much for your post. This is exactly my concern with this game.  Like I asked in a post before: Will male cybermages show their "happy trail" in return?   Sadly, Anashel hasn't reacted to the cri…
  • Well, Anashel doesn't want to react to my posts or answer my questions. Little disapointed about that... Let's see what will happen in the future and if I will invest money into a project were I feel ignored. And not just me. Melgam gave also a ver…
  •   Thank you very much for this recap! @Anashel: I thought you were a woman. After all this time on the internet I still assume the avatar of a user resembles his gender. xD"
  • Scientist seems great for me. Maybe mixed up a little with the Sniper. Looking forward to how this actually plays out.
  • Sorry for double posting but after thinking some time, here a little addition: I think people are more offended of the outfit than of the pilot crash record or the mass murderer because it wasn't incorporated well enough. You see, the pilot crash a…
  • Well, I didn't know anything else to say than "neat" so I decided to stay silent.^^ Left screen: It is nice to see some statistics and live feed. I would love to be able to zoom into the world map. Seems like there are quite a few Europeans who are…
  • Originally posted by Anashel Originally posted by barezz I guess I am confused, what was the point of this thread?  It seems like the only responses that are acknowledged or cared about are ones that back up the position that her appearance does…
  • Besson managed to pull it off because it wasn't a videogame. It is just a bad time for something like this, imho. We have half-naked woman everywhere, trying to sell us stuff. It's nothing new and it's just tiresome seeing the same cliché used over …
  • Had I known what doors a lifetime account in TSW would open for me, I wouldn't have thought twice to buy it. I must admit that after TSW turning mostly F2P I was a little bit disappointed. But seeing this, getting the "TSW - Grand master pledge" has…
    in Thank you Comment by Ashielf April 2014
  • Yeah, congrats! Really happy about that. It excites me that such ARGs are now possible with the globalisation of our world. I'm looking forward to the game!