Originally posted by maskedweasel
Originally posted by NightAngell
Originally posted by maskedweasel
3) WvWvW Roundrobin Matches and Lack of Open World PvP:
No, the mists aren't THE open world. They are an instanced piece of A o…
Had to comment on this. Equipment damage can be a very important part of an MMO. I know most of you come from WoW - obviously equipment damage is merely a hassle in that game. If you had played some other MMOs, I would hope you would see some ver…
I have definitely been in situations where I was on a nearly dead server and wanted to switch out, but I didn't want to switch out cause of the silly 20 dollar transfer fee. The fact is, what people said before me is the case: Server transfers are…
Of the mmos I have played, not a single one has put me in a position where I was forced to play in a guild. In WoW, before cata when Lich King was out, I found some great guys I knew and managed to go through most of the final instance. I was not …
Originally posted by creepsville Seeing a lot of interesting discussion here. Sadly, it seems like a few people are missing the point of the idea of going "nomad". Perhaps that's my fault. I didn't want to elaborate too much on it and let people dis…
I have to wonder...what do you guys mean by getting rewards for being in a guild? A guild bank - all items there are supplied by players in the guild. This means that no reward is being given at all, just the players in the guild are contributing …
I have no idea why they use WvWvW - I don't use it and I'm not going to. Maybe we should try out tri-realm RvR? I think that at least sounds a bit more legitimate.
And for all you people that have not heard of a 3 realm system - that is because…
The devs have stated that they plan to make the world essentially a free for all. Everyone enters with their own lvl/equipment and anyone can join in the pvp. There is no cap to the players or anything like that. So yea, there will be an epic fee…
Can anyone say DAOC? 3 faction system, portal keep, upgradable keeps, a system w/ a home zone and then a central zone? Also rewards for winning the world pvp. Man, this is 100% DAOC world pvp with what seem to be some upgrades. Just to clarify on…
My thought on the weapon system is this. Say you're playing a warrior. You are pvping. You see another warrior and switch to swords - the reason being swords cause bleed which won't be blocked by armor, so you do more damage. Say next you see a …
I'm trying to think of an mmo that requires skill, and the one I always come back to that I remember best is DAOC. WOW never struck me as very skill-based. Generally it came down to who was the higher lvl and who had the best gear. The only chara…