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  • Originally posted by maskedweasel Originally posted by NightAngell Originally posted by maskedweasel   3) WvWvW Roundrobin Matches and Lack of Open World PvP:     No,  the mists aren't THE open world.  They are an instanced piece of A o…
  • Had to comment on this.  Equipment damage can be a very important part of an MMO.  I know most of you come from WoW - obviously equipment damage is merely a hassle in that game.  If you had played some other MMOs, I would hope you would see some ver…
  • I have definitely been in situations where I was on a nearly dead server and wanted to switch out, but I didn't want to switch out cause of the silly 20 dollar transfer fee.  The fact is, what people said before me is the case:  Server transfers are…
  • Of the mmos I have played, not a single one has put me in a position where I was forced to play in a guild.  In WoW, before cata when Lich King was out, I found some great guys I knew and managed to go through most of the final instance.  I was not …
  • Originally posted by creepsville Seeing a lot of interesting discussion here. Sadly, it seems like a few people are missing the point of the idea of going "nomad". Perhaps that's my fault. I didn't want to elaborate too much on it and let people dis…
  • I have to wonder...what do you guys mean by getting rewards for being in a guild?  A guild bank - all items there are supplied by players in the guild.  This means that no reward is being given at all, just the players in the guild are contributing …
  • I have no idea why they use WvWvW - I don't use it and I'm not going to.  Maybe we should try out tri-realm RvR?   I think that at least sounds a bit more legitimate. And for all you people that have not heard of a 3 realm system - that is because…
  • The devs have stated that they plan to make the world essentially a free for all.  Everyone enters with their own lvl/equipment and anyone can join in the pvp.  There is no cap to the players or anything like that.  So yea, there will be an epic fee…
  • Can anyone say DAOC?  3 faction system, portal keep, upgradable keeps, a system w/ a home zone and then a central zone?  Also rewards for winning the world pvp. Man, this is 100% DAOC world pvp with what seem to be some upgrades.  Just to clarify on…
  • My thought on the weapon system is this.  Say you're playing a warrior.  You are pvping.  You see another warrior and switch to swords - the reason being swords cause bleed which won't be blocked by armor, so you do more damage.  Say next you see a …
  • I'm trying to think of an mmo that requires skill, and the one I always come back to that I remember best is DAOC.  WOW never struck me as very skill-based.  Generally it came down to who was the higher lvl and who had the best gear.  The only chara…