I am totally not taking your post too seriously, but I do think one of the problems with some healers I've run with is that they don't understand the basics behind deciding which spell to cast. With Healbot, you still have to choose which healing s…
I never made claims that it was NOT an exploit as described by the author, I simply pointed out the contention in the WoW forums on whether or not it was an actual true exploit of the game and the lack of definitive classification of this behavior b…
I've seen plenty of contention on the WoW forums about whether or not this type of trash mob farming is an exploit. There have been some blue posts that indicate that Blizzard GMs may consider this to be an offense against the ToS, and that they ma…
Hi, Spoke. I'm Spook. Nice to meet you.
/wondering how many other player name variations of 'Spock' there will be when the game is released.
//hopefully it won't turn into the Legolas-like wankfest that happened on LotRO
///of course, th…
I fail to understand why people lurk in a forum of a game they don't like just to point to people and say "Why do you like this game? It sucks. You're wrong to like this game." I mean, sure, play it. Form an opinion. Don't like it? Post that y…
Stupid me, I replied to your post, and not to the topic thread. I'm sorry, can you reply back to me with the text of what I sent, I lost my entire post when I submitted it.
According to people on IRC, there were still quite a few of them that had not received confirmation emails. From what I understand, though, there isn't a particular number you need to log into SoG, but the login is tied into the forum account that …
ACcording to the devs, there is a huge backlog of emails to be sent, but everyone should get them before tomorrow.
I'd take that to mean, go get some rest, and you should have some SoG love in your inbox when you wake up. In any case, I've been t…
Keep in mind, they experienced a HUGE problem with the Pioneer pre-order, it was 18 hours after launch before I could purchase mine due to the issues they had. It took 3 days to purchase 8,881 keys, and that was with all of the traffic caused by pe…
To everyone, this is from the dev's in the DnL IRC server today.
The download link will be posted tomorrow, Dec 9th. The game servers will go live on Tuesday, Dec. 13.
The website is currently being worked on, and they are bringing back the for…
Originally posted by Drokar
hrmm.. that is not what my email says. It says we will be able to download early, but even if that was a mistake/misprint, i think we all agree that they said we would be able to download today. And i did read the sit…
He's right. If you ordered the Pioneer offer, you have automatic access to SoG, plus 48 hour access early access to DnL when it is available in the spring.
Drokar, you're mistaken. I'm also a Pioneer, and you were NEVER promised to get into SoG early, and you were NEVER promised to get to download SoG before everyone else. The only mention of SoG in the Pioneer offer was that you automatically receiv…
Thousands of people, excuse me, tens of thousands of people were registered on their forums. In five languages. Across at least 3 continents. And you don't think they could give out 10,000 FREE keys in 80 seconds? Next, you'll be saying NP3 and …