this haw WOW becom next korean game rip old good wow all this crap tokens and uterus esences it from korean games wher are old good rpg wher you need to get item to hev it not to get 1000 tokens
one more reason to drop shiety greed big gameing companys for AAA indi game developers who do way bether games whit no pre orders and loot boxes and other greed shiet stuf stop being so newive aand heyped they jsut ride on one big titel thay d…
wtf insted showing gameplay and game thay talk snnd show som unsheved old farts talking w8 blabing cos tahy cant iven talk proper this patetic if thay cant show noting new thay show talking dudes haw tahy wone do game bether this just bulshiet
so when the FBI shows et they ofices and end this farse fraud scam ?
when this bubel blow the game industry will be in ruin no one wil be puting $ in games end it befor it too late and the damege wil be not so dramatic for all of game industry
to do things clear when you play online games you ip is know to server side only of game publisher so haw the f.. you supos to be ddos be game owner ? if you got decent knowleg you know vnp is not need to play eny online gaming just bulshiet to get…
im so hoping this will not suces and if it suces it will kill the gameing no more free development of games all on one platform all will need to obey som restrictions imagin games that will be political corect be the actual owner of main server a…
tomek2626 said:
tomek2626 said:
You have been warned at Level Mild.
Warning Level : Mild
tomek2626 said:
only 99.99$ tin foli hat starcitizen aproved what bulshiet this game is one big scam for 200 mln $ no…
tomek2626 said:
You have been warned at Level Mild.
Warning Level : Mild
tomek2626 said:
only 99.99$ tin foli hat starcitizen aproved what bulshiet this game is one big scam for 200 mln $ no bolive it wil ever be relesed
eny who play game only becos som stremer play it too shuld rethink his life and his existence in short he shuld think do he stil think for him self or just falow the end rear of lamb crowd PS. wil i get warning for this too i criticis you peye…
well if it only not hev this company name in titel then i culd be exited but i know this company it is worst company that culd do game loot box premium pay wall and etc. not worth your time just dont west it you will regret it not worth to t…
sinc it beta or alpah and thay so heped why no relese it to all oh w8 cos then no wuld pay to see waht tahy ofer and one you pay you never see this $ agein taht the whole scam pay to see waht demo one shit and som base faly arund and back you know f…
i read and cant bolive you still fall for this carap eraly acess scam if yo usell game then if it from begining not new game but jsut reskin haw can you see it ff erly acces it is scam tahy will post pond it so long til thay got tahy pay cheek and…