no one ever understands what russia does and for what reason except russia they'll fix it up eventually but i think russia just wants to piss people off and get their way course ukraine shouldn't have been so difficult either.
diablo and diablo2 have got to be one of the greatest games created. i to have been looking for d2mods but not much luck i find just searching on google is the easiest way but some arn't excatly reliable.
this sounds like a great idea. i might join up myself sounds fun really. lol name wise u could just call urselves "the Gaming Guild" not original but it is generall and simple to rememebr anyweays good luck hope it works out.
have look at the diablo 3 site for all the update u need. as for release not till next year at the earliest they only just finsihed act 2 or something and have 3 classes
hmm for me i'd have to say diablo and diablo 2. they have the best dungeons that are different every time u play although diablo 2 doesn't have as many diungeons it does have some great ones like act 1's andariel dungeon and the load of caves/dungeo…
Originally posted by JustTalking
Originally posted by bluesession
Originally posted by JustTalking
... at least some form of vampire lore exists in ancient Egyptian culture...but so did Ra who had the head of a falcon and the body of a man, s…
Originally posted by JustTalking
Not necessarily, while these supposed beings were part of myth long before Vlad Tepes..the term "Vampire" came about during the 18th century...the society in which these stories were created were largely unaware o…
yes vlad was what the author of dracula based his book upon loosely.
if you think about it however, vampyre history dates back to the BC periods, the sumarians the oldest known civilisation had myths about vampyres as did the egyptians. when cult…
zzz WoW is good up until like lvl 40 and then its like" why am i killing stuff over and over with quests with storylines the depth of a shallow rock pool?" WoW is just overly repetitive, Runescape was fun and had the aspect where u chose what u wan…
yeah i'm not talking about this whole idea about dracula sterotypes i'm talking more about the more realistic cultural beliefs we see. like i doubt vampyres burn in the sun etc. like in many cultures they don't actaully drink blood but the lifeforce…
hmm i remeber hearing about that. thats pretty sadistic.
hmm i will have to have a read sounds good. actaully an inrtresting point my firend showed me about the imortality aspect of vamprism is how many heroes in ancient times are seen as "immort…
Originally posted by Yakri
The only reason i played runescape was that i liked the PvP and some of the other activitys that could be done with more then one person. Then they, in essence, just deleted their old and very good PvP system and put thi…
starcraft mmo would be really quite good seeing as sci fi is relativley small time in mmo. the thing that would set starcraft off though is the amount of old players that love the game and want to keep playing so it would gain alot of players very q…
sounds like a good movie, wish i could see it. my parents are the sought that don't like me watchin these types of movies. oh well i guess i should wait till im a bit older anyway.
look contray to popular beliefs GEORGE LUCAS IS NOT I REPEAT IS NOT making anymore starwars movies tv or theatre. after revenge of the sith he made it very clear it was the last unless someone else makes it but he would not have anything to do with …
lol i love when he stuffs up cause it means i get to have a go at him for being so retarted. you know next he'll get so nervous he hits the little red button and start a nuke war. what would have been funnier is if the queen turned around and slappe…
yay finally i understand jes i should read up on my bible histroy. thank you spy and sawtooth . by the way is the divine lobe supposed to be god samyaza like high authority satan follower and he was stripped of his original job for following satan…