wow siriously i dont think it could be 30....... or 35....... i think theres more kinds then there are adults... so more kids must play rpgs or any games..
but thats just my crazy thinking
ye it be cool if they made world of starcraft if you will....... cause it would be so oposite of midevil games. but like some one said .. they need to concentrate on wow .. and they got more then enough players and stuff.
mmmm sorry i cant help and tell you whats a good pvp mmo.. but i cant tell you which one isnt, and which you should never come near though its open grounds pvp.......... RUNESCAPE... dont ever go next to that waist of time...
what do you mean guil…
haha you typed what i thought a bit ago. I dont think they would make an rpg.. maybe another FPS or somn. but ye the idea rulesors... becaue i think there is 2 types of ppl... they like the old style worlds... like ancient times.. or they like sci…