AI's aren't meant to be useful in MMO's to any extent. They are mostly there for quest story basics. To give you a reason to relate to the quest. That's all
I've always found comps to be what you make of it. There is no meta in my eyes. LoL keeps changing the supposed Meta everytime you turn around, yet random assortments of classes always seems to get things done either way
I can't listen to music while gaming. I feel it takes away from the hard work people did matching scores to certain zones or the feel of paying against people
No, sorry. I'll be staying on Nexus for my mods and not looking back. Even if they retracted the statement that they will be charging. You can't start charging for somethign that's been free from the start.
Personally to me, there is ALWAYS something to do in this game. Whether you're at the casino, or you're leveling alts. There is ALWAYS something to be done. Even Atma upgrades. Still more content to me then World of Warcraft.
Like I said, I couldn't get enough of this game. It was like 2.5 hours of nothing but playing and then I finished it. SO good. Would play it again soon
it will NEVER beat it, as they both bring different things to the table. HotS with a skill choice for X amount of levels. And LoL with items. They may both be Moba's. but are still not in the same area.