I agree with whoever wrote "i don't get what your getting at here." Is there a point your trying to make or something you'd like to discuss? excuse me if im wrong but i really think this is quite random.
I most definetly will be playing this seems like my kind of game that will keep me hooked for years to come. Since beta's over and i know some of you really wanted to try the game before buying it i suggest you do a little research and see if the g…
Also the servers are down right now because they are fixing the login servers to hold mass loads of people. So when you do download it, if it says "not a service at the time" or "Wrong account input" when you try to log in then its not anything wro…
Nice Garrik, thats a pretty sick video for sure. I really love this game and can't see how anyone after watching that video does not. Amazing graphics and fun gameplay if you don't like that then this game and probably site isn't for you.
<<< was one of your 3 sources. lol anyways after voting i noticed something interesting (keep in mind this was after i voted so it may be a little different for you) 20% execelents 60% ok could use some fixing 10% bad 10% sucks arse needs …
Well guys i guess we'll just have to wait and see how this game turns out, in my opinion it has a bright future and is a great game, but only time will tell.
Nttajira im not even going to take the time to respond to your immature comments that are based 90% on opinions and rumors. Bluedagger in response to what you said about E) The way to earn CP is by killing other people from other races, to get a hi…
nttajira you can't judge this game at all considering we are in beta and no one has yet to even reach level 50, so how do you know anything about what this game is 95% of or not? Lack of detail in world? how much of this world have you seen cuz i d…
You should keep in mind n2sooners that this game wasn't really ever planned to leave korea when it was first made. So they didn't plan on having skin tone and hair color to fit everyones personal style, and about the lvl 20 in 3-4 hours, ok fine pr…
Blue dagger we could argue about this forever and it wouldn't change either of our opinions, of course it might change the publics opinion but im gettin tired of posting all these forums on the same issue. So how about we just wait till like a week…
Ok Bluedagger, Thunderballs, i'll tell you my reasons for liking this game. And by the way im sure there are others who could add to this list:
A) Great Graphics Very little lag (even when large amount of people gather'd in one area C) The PvP i…
Bluedagger i'm sorry if i had some grammatical issues, i really could give a rats ass about how messed up my sentences are. And another thing, i love how when you quoted everything i said you left out the sentences around it, so nobody understands …
Before i get started at all i would like to congratulate you Bluedagger for being the first person to give reasons for why you dislike the game, most people just bitch and say its stupid, its a grindfest, and all this other stupid shit. The first t…
I totally agree with Gameloading, its seriously time for people like bluedagger and everyone else who bashes this game to go screw off. If you don't like this game play something, i love this game and so do many others. The reason these forums are…
Originally posted by Sin316
"first off, shut the *beep* off, were not idiots. There is no bashing going on, but honest opinions being said. This is a neutral ground , so you can bash people (like me) on rf forum, but here, you dont.
rf is a joke…
its not about what it has to offer you.. is it your job ? is it your life ? no.. it isnt.. its made to entertain you and as far as i known i like this game. its made for ppl who like it.. not ppl who dislike it
I agree with that completely, this …
You have to be joking me to cry about the price. Its standerd for any Online game with half decent customer service and expansions and updates to come in the future. It's rare you'll find a good game with no monthly fee's. This game looks totally…