OMG! I'm stoked to experience what Salvatore writes and McFarlane designs. Should make for some great characters with strong spines and good looks.
(just don't make it 'level' based, skill based like UO/EVE please!)
I'm not going to waste money on equipment with a limited shelf life and no affordable upgrade options. By that I mean consoles. When I was a child, I gamed as a child. Playing Tank Commander on Atari, Pitfall on Commodore 64, Super Mario on NES, al…
I'd rather hear what Robert and Richard Garriott had to say.
Assuming the position previously held by Robert Garriott, Chung is more than qualified with plenty of NCSoft and other experience in the tech industry.
So were they saying Rob…
Hello, my name is Rogee and I'm an old school UO'er who longs for the good ole' days.
My comment about Eve voters vs Eve player postings vs WoW posters:
Most Eve pilots are just here to read articles, not waste time bitching and moaning abou…
I also am of the opinion that all qualifying games should be listed to be voted on, and not only 'selected' titles.
I also wonder at the addition of Second Life, what next MySpace on the list?
If we're not able to vote 'None of the above…
For those of you 'considering' or planning on returning, do yourself a favor and re-up now so your pilot can continue learning skills while waiting for Ambulation. I lost about a year while my pilot wasn't training while I was playing other MMO's bu…
Captain's quarters, sah-weet!
...will I be able to 'see' the exotic dancers I've been stowing away in my cargo hold, in my captain's quarters?
If I could port my EQ1 char into EQ2, I'd re-up my EQ2 account in a heartbeat. I have some EQ2 chars, but my first EQ1 char will always be my favorite.
I don't understand why people who've not read the book are opening their mouth about it
If you've read it, please give some feed back. If you have not read it, please stfu.
I still can't believe how much bullsh!t I had to read thru, just to read…
Originally posted by Hexxeity
I hope these guys hire an editor. Someone who can string together a grammatical, properly punctuated sentence really needs to look over this guy's material before it makes it into the game.
That's what Beta testers…
Yeah play EVE, its the next best thing to old school pre-fcuked up UO.
Sand-box game with no levels, no grinds and best of all your character can train skills while you're not online. When you're a new pilot you'll have a lot of short term skills…
It would be interesting to see what type of 'crew' system they come up with.
I can think of a few roles for separate players to fill:
Helmsman - steers the ship
Weapons - fires torp's etc
Navigator - sees map and plots waypoints for helmsman …
I hope that DF will educate a lot of the people who got their feet wet with WoW, as how how MMORPG's were origionally played, before the whiners got their way in UO.
Imagine getting a couple million people in DF... sweet sweet chaos.
Originally posted by Zitch
Originally posted by rogee14
Its going to take a new game, a new developer, a new metropolis of players to create and populate the world we all seek.
Check out Darkfalls forums. It may take a while, but your su…
I re-upped my account last night (its that time of year again).
Its fundamentally the same, such that I did what ever I wanted to. But... its just not the same without people everywhere. In 5hrs I think I only saw 5 people. You have to have peopl…
oooOooOOOoo OOooo OO ooooOOOooo "Shit."
I couldn't stop reading all these posts. Reading everyone else's posts of 'Good ole Days' has caused a rush of memories to mind.
Vender Buy my Bank Guar…