This article really hit home. I started playing UO back in the late 90's and they had real, honest to God roleplaying. The RP in MMORPG truly existed. Of course UO had housing and RP villages of like minded folks and SEERS, volunteers vetted by E…
I would love to see housing implemented in WoW. Unfortunately, I think they're waiting till their market share starts the slide before they introduce this upgrade.
This just in from Blizzard, developer post from the forums:
Blizzard Poster 338. Re: Bag of Candies, ACT 2! 02/13/2009 10:27:30 AM PST
The Bag of Candies had a fairly reasonable drop rate and was in no way bugged; however, due to t…
My mis-identification of the location of the cockroach vendor has been corrected and I'd like to add an addendum or two.
A friend pointed out that I had missed an important part of the Love is in the Air event. In addition to receiving Gifts of A…
The recipes I purchased from the trainer remained green until I hit 415. Now they are gray. While it's true you'll be cooking up a lot of fish to get a gain you can level to 415 using trained recipes. Now the only recipes I have that are green ar…
So very sad to see a life snuffed out at such a young age. Kudos to Blizzard for making a memorable moment in this poor child's short life. My condolences to all who loved him and there seem to be many.
I agree. It is indeed possible to raid and maintain a real life. You have to be a in a guild with other responsible adults who agree to adhere to firm rules. You also need enough raiders so that the real life issues that arise among adults don't …
Originally posted by Abrahmm
From my experience, that program seems like a big waste of time and money. I don't know one girl in real life that actually likes video games, my gf barely has the attention span to play Pac Man(which is her favorite …
This is a welcome change. With the rep and faction grinds that came with Outlands, rolling an alt from 0-60 got you only half way there. Once you get the alt to 70 you still face a gruuling grind to get the rep and faction needed to raid. Add ano…
Not everyone is into the social aspect of MMORPGs. For some it is all about the pixels, getting the phat loots, and parading around the bank in those awesome shoulders. For that kind of player Nilhem or Death and Taxes is the ideal: a guild that …