Originally posted by Drago
So ive moved on and me/friend rerolled on Emerald Dream in WoW so we can experiance some great PvE because in all honesty i just dont think WAR will hold up and thats unfortunate.
You do realize that this game i…
"seconded.... i hope blizzard monitors this server so we'll be able to get "replays" of the matches, also blizzard did talk about making it possible to be a spectator but they were concerned about how some might abuse it if the spectators had the me…
More subscription = More money
Which in turns can fuel more expansion updates. So why the hell is it meaningless?
Edit: They also making a profit and need to make up the money which they made developing the game to break even.
I got to agree with stumps. Graphic wise its lacking, but that doesn't really affect me. As long as it doesnt look like its a korean MMORPG thats an item mall; Im fine with it. WoW looked worse and I still had a fun time with it. Its the gameplay th…
Originally posted by heerobya
I tried to pay attention to the details the best I could, some very interesting things. Mostly from watching the other two videos, not the Squig Herder one...
1. Black Orcs (tanks) don't suck in PvP - Hurray
2. Black…
Originally posted by Vrika Originally posted by Irish_Red Being in the military is a job. They are only doing what they are being told to do. Period.
Don't tell me I can't support the troops without supporting the war. Unless you have some facts…
I think the collision detection is got to do with bodies not spells. So people just can't RUN through the person. Doesn't affect spell casting and or projectiles.
" Since the beta, a rewrite of the career and skill system has taken place, as well as the addition of capturable keeps and siege towers, adding a certain amount of persistence to the realm vs realm endgame. The earliest the game could be released i…