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Eversince I played DDO and Eveonline my hopes of beign an excellent gamer have gone up.


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  • Originally posted by Thanatosx33 They make me feel...uncomfortable... They make me feel uncomfortable too.
  • No offence or anything but those kinda of people scare me.
  • Good storyline, it has too have maybe have some adventuring and of course it needs too have good graphics and nice features. Thats all I have too say.
  • From what I know I think that a game should be played for its content and not for its as a  bargaining object. This includes any and all games. Say no too piracy!
  • I read what u guys said and decided that I should give it a shot and see if its good but  I agreed on one thing, it is that as soon as I started I had too take sometime on the training which got me bored real fast but I guess getting fully updated o…
  • I have read some of your reviews and even though some of  u hate  Eve online i would just like too say that u should not make fun of other people unless u want to be made fun of so please shut up and get a life loser! Eve online is dope.
  • First of all I know allot of people like too sell stuff online or do anything on the internet that lets them get money but what I want to know is why would people do this and even if they did I just dont think that a person should do this just too g…
  • My god if it wasnt for that person singing in some other language I would probably get some popcorn and listen to this everyday. Yea right. As soon as I saw this I knew something was wrong. Well atleast I have my health. or maybe not
  • Hello my name is Catastrophic and I am new member. I can't help but notice that u guys are talking about DDO  and decided too say what I think of the game. I know that ive only played for feew days now but from what ive seen its a pretty good game a…
  • That may be true but what i meant was it had to have all the starting functions maybe including a storyline. This is what realy makes a game worth while and fun to play. Thanks for your opinion though.