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  • Well since I'm not a PvP fan I would say none at all, but if I were to pick a system I would say consenual only since even WoW's system promotes assinine behavior. There should be consequences to this type of activity instead of the game expecting t…
  • You know in regard to the Cleric on Cleric fight, the fact that you weren't able to defeat each other sounds like the class was pretty well balanced in that your abilities were matched and you weren't able to declare a victor in that fight. As to th…
  • Okay the guy didn't get into the game and made some good points as to why it didn't fill his needs, that doesn't mean that they are invalid. "Someuser" is entitled to his opinion but that doesn't give anyone license to try a pathetic character assas…
  • I'm pretty much in the same boat in that I connect from multiple sites, but I've been doing that for a while now and havn't experienced a problem. I understand Blizzards efforts to thwart powerleveling services and such but I fall back to who really…
  • Well since BC killed WoW for me I'd like to see something like this take place. I pretty much hate the end game in WoW and can't stand what people turn into when they start Raiding. I have more fun leveling up characters than I do mindlessly doing t…
  • My point is that you can continue to keep it breathing by pumping pimped ideas from up coming games, raising the level cap again and again, opening new areas which pretty much look like the old areas, etc... BC killed 1-60 progression, you can't get…
  • I just feel this is a hugely bad idea and Blizzard is using another bandaid to keep subscribers. Are we to see yearly increases to the level cap? Further changes to the skins to resemble more Anime which I personally think is plain rediculous. More …
  • Any game that attempts to force me into PvP won't be getting my subscription fees, so regardless of how good it looks if that is the way Warhammer wants to play it then I won't be playing it.
  • Jumpgate is interesting but with the open PvP and Newtonian Flight model it doesn't compare to EnB, it does have an appeal though. The current community is a very small and tight knit bunch a large influx of subscribers would ruin that though. I'll …
  • I suppose for me it would finally be the last straw if they raised the level cap again. BC has pretty much killed my game play as it is, I have zero desire to level grind to 70 and I just play WoW when my kids want to anymore ( I don't let them play…
  • Its not a class so much as its a double standard, if you play an undead then you should be subject to all the related abilities that are designed to affect them. Paladins should make undead players run screaming into the night but none of the abilit…
  • These type of threads aren't very productive if you like the game its worth it if not then go play something else, simple.
  • Male toons, female toons... whats it matter, its a toon. You want to find women to date do it the old fashoned way and go find one in RL the last thing I'm looking for in a game is a dating service.
  • You know you can put all of that on the review feature as there isn't a size limitation. I can just see this becoming another flame fest of he said she said...
  • You definitely have a valid point there bud, if CCP would just toe the line on what is acceptable for employee behavior that the rest of the industry seems to do then they wouldn't have had a problem to begin with. I do support CCP's employees pla…
  • I have to side with the OP here so long as favorable threads can be created to play down the whole set of circumstances, then threads which bring it back to the forefront are euqally as valid. Perhaps we should all start reporting each others thread…
  • Its well within the grasp of game developers to make the sale of ingame currency or items impossible but they continue to create the conditions for it to happen. I personally would like to see this finally be laid to rest as an issue but I'm afraid …
  • Viral at its finest, why don't you post a picture of the CCP staff providing humanitarian aid to Darfur refugees and try to further pull the wool over everyones eyes. The cons out weigh the pros in the CCP trustworthiness scale, CCP needs to demonst…
  • You know its really pretty pathetic to attack someone based on their spelling, and at the same time kind of prejudiced as well. English isn't everyone in the worlds first language, and its pretty arrogant to apply that standard. Provide a rebuttal b…
  • /signed