Hats off to iluvVG for such a well done review. Certainly the best for Darkfall I've read thus far. That clearly took some real effort and time and was very informative.
After giving the trail a go, I'm thinking of playing for a bit. I have pretty reasonable expectations of what I'll get out of the game after researching abit. The one thing that is perplexing is just how much the server you're on seems to effect th…
I just started the trail a couple days ago myself. Only Gorfang and Monolith servers are avaliable to trail accounts. If the trouble has been from today it might have something to do with the big update. Otherwise try to manually select Gorfang or…
The link is legit, if that's what you meant by safe.
I believe it was just today that the fileplanet trial opened to all users and not just subscribers. Grabbed a few keys earlier. Just need to decide if its worth activating now or if I should …
I'm posting because I do know where your coming from. Burned just recently on the epic failure PotBS, but many times in the past as well. I was going to take a wait and see approach for AoC, but after seeing how its going already I had the feeling…
I'm a recent 'non-re-uper' and felt my sentiments for the game pretty much matched toadkiller's so rather than starting a new thread I'll just ad my rant of disappointment here.
50 bones is nada to me but I do feel pretty jipped at the time I wast…