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  • I jumped aroun trying out new temps, I can't remember half of them. Never was a FOTM, though. I liked trying my own setup.
    in FOTM Comment by SirDiesalot August 2006
  • What? The Emu uses no copyrited property. The Emu is just a server, all the information for Luke, Darth and all other things that are copyrited are in the client, which the Emu doesn't modify or distribute.
  • The Emu does bring hope, because its the only option left that has any chance. It might scare SOE into making a Pre-CU server. What other option is there? Write a nice letter to SOE? 
  • Yeah, the SWGEMU devs are pretty quick to reach for the lock, but then again these aren't valid topics we're talking about. Most are answered in the FAQs, or already being dicussed on the same page. And even then, it's not a permaban, just a 3-day b…
  • I see the Rebel propaganda got to you people first. Let me say this: The Empire stands for order, and when order has been established comes justice, and from the safety of order and justice comes peace. We Imperials aren't the bad guys. You lying Re…
  • Originally posted by maxanto Originally posted by Hauken I say 3-4 months and this thing will be operational. And it will crush SWG-NGE A lot of talent out there working on this after it went open source. Ill have synth.steak and Vasarian brandy th…
  • Originally posted by hargrave I do recall though the Galaxy report emu guy saying we were supose to be able to play on a dummy server but i dont see how or where to go to do it? It's not quite so simple as that. Right now you can compile the code…
  • Originally posted by maxanto Originally posted by Kylrathin Originally posted by maxanto Originally posted by oreyi The data packets were necessary to understand the languaje between the clients and the servers. Once they learnt it they made th…