Mmmh, let´s see.....
George W. Bush´s Tabula Rasa - sounds like a Game sponsored by Daddy, with permission to betray people arround the gameworld and choosing fear instead of popularity to rule the countryserver......sounds like a goldselling Bli…
Yes, there are people who dont know this game, so here is a link:
As a matter of fact, there are a lot of Blood Bowl Players, most of them are very dedicated to the Game and would appreciate…
As I mentioned my thoughts about how to implement Bloodbowl into WAR, I was not thinking it would be done straight this way. I thought about a possible way to do the work. If it is made like a better fumbble-version or another way is not important t…
When I said playable as boardgame I meant that players are able to find/buy the figures they want to play with and if two players want to play against each other, they just find a board (normaly they are within towns) and play a game. I…
Nice, nice, now facts, HG:L is no fps-game it is just a clever made rpg because it has all major gameterms related to an rpg. Now to the question, if HG:L is an MMO? Yes, it is, because there are several central areas where all players of a given se…
MMO´s sind bereits für viele Spieler zur Suchtfalle geworden, so verwundert es nicht, das eben auch diese Dinge in der Welt passieren. Letztlich bleibt nur die Frage offen, bewegt sich die "moderne" Gesellschaft immer noch in die richtige Richtung? …