Well I for one am a WoW fan, and didn't even come close to checkin off AC:1 for favorite games :P I just clicked fantasy in general... and here I am with a winning ticket :P Never played the game, lookin forward to trying it out, if any of you vet's…
i think i speak for almost everyone when i say, it BETTER BE OUT on 15th, hell i wouldn't mind paying for it now even lol just as long as i can crave this everlasting addiction...................:)
My personal opinion is that if someone CAN twink a char, they should really have the right to. Not only are they just blowing through the content in about 20x the speed, they aren't really takign the time to enjoy what the creators have spent all th…
As much fun as it was, I dont believe I could ever stand the higher levels... you needed the PERFECT party to fight basically anything, and as much as i love japanese people, its always a pain sometimes trying to communicate with those of another la…
I personally like pretty much everything about this game...save for the one issue of no equipment :P but it does have others things most games dont got ;P
played this game for 2 months on release, can't say i didn't enjoy my time there, just has alot of bugs.........many fixes required... hows it doing now, im guessing basically the same?
got invited into beta in VERY early stages, basically forced my way through it after several months, just wanna know, Did this game end up turning out as good as it was supposed to? Gave up about 1/2 way through beta as it was just disgusting boring…
ever since that e3 game time... i haven't even paid so much as a single visit to anything Guild Wars related, but still plan on buyin it when the time comes... who could pass on a no monthly mmorpg :P its worth a try at least!