Originally posted by Zorndorf
Originally posted by Vetarnias
Originally posted by popinjay
So I love fantasy. But WoW was not my stuff because, ironically, it didn't even take itself seriously as a fantasy world. Haris Pilton, anyone?
It doesn't matter what server you make your character on, you'll be playing with everyone else on that cluster. To be honest you aren't going to find many other players at all before you reach level 50. Most likely you'll be appalled at how few oth…
Mini is confusing because the word is Minstrel. I don't think there are that many other confusing shorthands for classes. Warr is Warrior while Lock is Warlock. Most tend to be pretty straight forward.
I'm missing DAoC more and more with each passing week. But today I logged in to pay my rent, and clicking on the social window to see who in my guild was on really reminded me just how outdated the UI is. It's no problem for someone semi-intelligen…
You are definitely not giving EA enough credit. The curent war is between EA and Activision Blizzard. They are fighting tough battles on all fronts of the computer and console marktets.
Liberal Elitism? Socialism? I don't know where the hell these things are coming from. Never were his politics mentioned- with the exception of him being on enviromental boards, which to an American may consider that liberal, in Europe conservatives …
Originally posted by Quizzical
Originally posted by VishiAnand
they should tax gaming companies, not us gamers.
In terms of whose pocket the money comes out of, there is no difference. This is a standard result of basic economics. Due …