I'm a sophomore, the best lesson I ever learned in school is to respect your instructors. They are better then you. Until you have a degree in teaching and took a course on child psychology then you're not their peer and should not stride as if. Als…
The white male has it the hardest out of any other person in the United States. If we say anything about any other race (or any woman) we are labled as sexist or racist. Black people, women, they all have social privileges we don't have. You guys ha…
You cannot really have low fat food that is low sugar, they usally replace the one with the other.
People just exercised more back when there was less fat. We didn't use as many easy machines. Even in factories people had to run all around and…
People seem to forget "end of the world" can mean "end of the world we know" and might mean we will just all have unity.
Or war who knows.
Anyways I am a good 50 miles from the beach so I'll be safe.
These people are not any better then the terrorist of 9/11. The only difference is they are working from the inside-->out instead of the reverse. But they both have the same goal, making the USA an strict Muslim or Christain nation.
Originally posted by gnomexxx
Originally posted by Draenor
Originally posted by LostGrace
Haha, weight lifters, us runners look our noses down upon you.
And then we punch you in the face and take your girlfriend.
They have girlfriends?…
Originally posted by Draenor
you know what irritates me...today I met a girl, pretty...a little young, but easy to talk to...so we sit and talk for awhile (I was playing basketball at the church and she was there watching her brother)
and then …
I hate religion, stupid people, cocky people, asshats, weight lifting, emo music, people who do not like life, people who are emo, people who cannot handle themselves, people who whine, people who brood over an inssue, people who do not take care of…
Originally posted by Draenor
Originally posted by LostGrace
Originally posted by Draenor
Originally posted by Coldmeat
Originally posted by Draenor
Originally posted by ViolentY
I remember my first year of college. It was a dec…
Originally posted by Draenor
Originally posted by Coldmeat
Originally posted by Draenor
Originally posted by ViolentY
I remember my first year of college. It was a decent-sized campus, but it was (and still is) the fastest growing uni…
Originally posted by kel11
Originally posted by LostGrace
Track meets are pretty fun to whatch. IMO ;0
You won the thread. In all seriousness, track meets are the funnest thing if you're part of the team.
What I find funny is when…