Originally posted by lionexx
That was an awesome contest, and i did get mybeta key a year later.
I did get the sword and 2 singed comics now i all i am waiting for is my copy of Age of conan and i will be set haha.
Would like to see another o…
First impressions:
I actually really like this game. I heard people say it reminds them of Gunbound, but I've never played that. I get a Guild Wars vibe from this game. Meaning the PvP and PvE is separate. You can either do missions in a group, or …
Originally posted by Phoenixs
I can be resumed yes, but I have had some trouble with that. I had some trouble with that in EQ2, so after that I download everything in 1 go everytime I play a SOE game. But I think resuming usually works good.