If you want navy rank, you can either crew a DD or take out fairmiles. Ratszo likes the rivers but he's about the only one. I do advise you take the fairmiles, unless you're dying to crew DDs, mainly cause you'll be better for it when you do gain yo…
The freighter lowers it's crane and the tank drives up till the hook is near or on it. The tank presses J like an infantry getting on a tank. The crane moves to place it on one of the 4 spots for tanks or equipment in the freighter, and then the tan…
Most of the time, if someone uses l33t then it's just to be funny. No one actually thinks that way (except me, but I can articulate myself out of most situations).
When you do get the game, make sure you go to the website and find the "play now" links, this is how you log into the game.
Repeat: you cannot play online any other way besides going to the websites and hitting the links. (you can get Squadtracker…
Killufoo is wrong about the specs, don't let him scare you. I play with a 1ghz processor, 768mb RAM, and a 32mb Geforce2. I get a good 20-25 fps when looking at a city, and about 35-40fps when in a field. That's just fine for playing.
It's not like Wolfenstein. In fact, it's not like any other game out there. It's a battlefield simulation to be specific, so everything is ultra realistic (related to vehicles at least).
Think of it like you would America's Army, except applied to…