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  • I blame the players. Look at WoW's background. Night elves are large, muscular, hairy and are so attuned to nature that they can end up somewhat feral. Blood elves may be blonde and pretty, but they're also completely addicted to magic and will do a…
  • June really is very talented and has actually grasped the idea that selling virtual items at a low price will make a lot more money than selling them at a high one.
  • My little'un had a mess around with this and I was quite impressed. I like that they do a very reasonable family subscription package, allowing families to play together without dropping £30-40 on subs every month. Plus, it has Samurai Jack and Mega…
  • "Over the last year or two Blizzard has been slowly making the game all about Arenas and Raiding. And as arenas bore me to death and raids take WAY too much time, it leaves me and others like me with just 5 mans. Now as a Resto Shaman 5 mans are not…
  • You are indeed correct. Blizzard slipped in a good few changes since I wrote the article. I'll definitely do an update when dual specs hit the live realms.
  • I don't know why people feel so threatened by WoW. I can understand console fanboyism; when you've spent £300 on a console, plus the games and all the extras, I can see how some people need to deride others to justify their own choice. WoW hate, o…
  • I'd still like to see a trial. I'm a huge Conan fan and I was all set to jump to this before release, but WoW suddenly got a lot more fun for some reason and I stayed. I'm not going to be switching games in the forseeable future, but I'd still like …
  • Originally posted by SmurfMagic We no longer dominate PVP and I do not want to have to roll a Rouge. Says it all, really.
  • For starters, I don't know why people are saying that mobile fights hurt rogues. They used to, if they were assassination, as mutilate had to be used from behind. That has been removed. The talent in subtlety that granted more damage from behind now…
  • What makes it worse is that if there ever was a game that needed to stick to its guns, it was SWG. I played the game a couple of months after release and, barring the inevitable problems caused by releasing about six months early, the vast majority …