Originally posted by fyerwall
Originally posted by Deadalon
WOW is a social game. This is a key to its success. There are alot of old school MMO gamers out here that hate WOW - cause they are not looking for socializing with other ppl to th…
My only problem with GW is the level cap is only 20. I know the idea was to keep people from being preoccupied with level and reaching cap, but it seemed to make me less likely to stick with one character. Oh and also, the different games are differ…
I read the OP and the last page of posts, so forgive me if i say something repetitive, but this is a matter of opinion anyway. For me - the big killer was the classes, combat, and skills mixed. My main game of choice is wow (no flames plz) mainly be…
It's pretty cool that these guys are working on The World, but it really does amaze me that a series can make such a franchise for itself such as .hack has and not have any big wig game dev/prod companies even slightly interested in it. I mean we no…
Lock is fun but the utilities people speak of as a pro is not necessarily so. It's more like you're everyone's b$%^& in a raid. If you're not in a guild where the raid leader will actually reinforce members having their shit together - then you…
yeah corporatization (sp?) is a horrible thing especially for something like gaming. I worked at Gamestop for a couple years back in 2001 or so...when i first started there it was awesome. As time went by and barnes and nobles (they actually own gam…
It's really up to you. I stopped playing out of boredom after playing BC for awhile and wasn't really interested in WOTLK until it actually came out. I tried it and while others are very happy with it, I didn't think it was that great. Sure there ar…
I found the game to be kind of boring. It did have some cool features, just not my cup of tea. As others have said on this post, just download it and try it - nothing to lose.