Originally posted by BigPeeler
Originally posted by Saigonshakes
What I learned from all these posts is that if anyone has ANYTHING bad to say about EQ2, they're going to get flamed big time. I'm not just reffering to this thread either. Anytime so…
But "WoW is teh best gam3 3vA"
J/k....i really WoW and i plan on purchasing it. I can't bash EQ2 casue i don't know what it is like. But all i can tell you is a lot of people are curretnly disappointed.
"Johnny, what do you see?"
"I see a lot of…
9/10 people i talk to say this game sucks and i take there word for. If so many people are putting it down that have played the game why do you still call them fanboys?
I am playing WoW Beta and i have access to and EQ2 beta but i chose not to wast…
Yup...I totally agree! I have played this game as far as a lvl 3, that is how uniteresting this game is at the moment. Lag is terrible, and there is nothing to do....I cound't bare playing this to a lvl 10 because i would have to shoot myself. I'm s…
Its real great...i got l2 and ryl keys on the same day, and i love ryl way more. its kinda like a diablo mmo. you walk with awsd and left click is a regular attack and right click uses the spell/skill you have selected. its real fun and good for pvp…
It just seems that way but its not...they are accepting the first couple whatver...ex: they are letting in 2,000 more this phase (just an example, not sure the real number) so the first 2000 that signed up get in...im pretty sure thats how it works,…
Yup...i got in and yea, this game is freaking great. I have played for only about 1-2 hours and i am a level 6 mage. It feels different but the style behind this game is so great. I never thought it was going to be this good in beta but it is. I hav…
I have a problem...I can't log into it, it keeps shutting off and says incorrect program, can someone tell me how to fix it?
"Johnny, what do you see?"
"I see a lot of things"
Nice buddy! i just got my key also, and i also got my lineage key too, so im in a great dillemma i think ill play l2 for today, dl ryl during the night and play both to see which one owns the other, and if i could get help in game that would be appr…
1) Lufia II: SnES RpG
2) Diablo II (Up to patch 1.10)
3) Zelda: Ocarina of Time
4) Final Fantasy X
5) Super Mario Bros 3
Soon to be Numero UNO......World Of Warcraft
"Johnny, what do you see?"
"I see a lot of things"