"In addition, Preferred Status can be earned by any Free-to-Play player who spends a minimum of $4.99 at our web store."
well this totaly makes up for the the 120 bucks i spent on the collectors edition. XD
this would have been a perfect sandbox game, yet we just get another Themepark.
especialy the "classes" part realy fucked me off. this is not TES, this is gw2 and swtor mixed together.
can't say im disapointed cause i didn't expect anthing else.
doesnt sound like sandbox at all.
what about player economy? palyer cities (or is that settlement?) player stores, player interaction? ...
If you realy want a themepark sandbox, just copy the SWG pre cu and place your themepark arround it. i cant …
Originally posted by Eletheryl
... i mean, more servers = they need to hire more people ...
I doubt this is true. its not like they need one admin for every single server or even one for every 10 servers. supportstaff whise ... well maybe, but w…
I love how they tell me in the video to get online and check out all the new changes and then, I'm allways disapointed cause i still dont got an invite.
well they did a little bit more.
i kinda wanted incarance since when i first saw and play eve. which was 2003 btw.
eve was allways missing the social hangout areas like cantinas in SWG 4 example. where could could just xhat and do some random cr…
max level in GA doesnt realy fit. basicly you are max level at lvl 30. stats are basicly the same, no matter if you are lvl 1 or lvl 50. all that differs is gear and thats also not that much better.
at lvl 50, those mobs at the starter zone can ki…
well before i knew about tribes:ascend i was totaly into firefall. but after seeing some tribes and some firefall movies, i doubt there is going to ne much esports in this game.
firefall seems awfully slow compared to tribes and looks like it play…
as much as i want to like it, im sure its going to disapoint me.
im so expecting this game to be like tribes and im sure this wont happen since i havnt seen a single vehicle on the PVP maps yet.
so pleeaasseeee ... suprise me and gimmge some big…
Originally posted by luciusETRUR
Why should that matter? EVE was released in the same calender year as WoW and EQ2, and it had a horrible launch. The game has more than recovered. If EVE can do it, so can any other game, it isn't something that h…
because if u dont like the game and sell it, the buyer has to pay the fee again and ccp gets money.
pretty good idea if u ask me as long as the game itself is free OR cheap to have.
the new char editor is just freckin amazing. i which other MMOS would take that mucch effort in developing and expanding up their game like CCP does
seems pretty worthless. making it align to the bottom and adding an "app" launcher is merly a redesign.
make it customizeable (xml and und graphics) and let the users do the work ^^