im that slimey bastard who ganks you and camps your body when all you really want to do is level.... go on, cry your eyes out... i live to ruin other peoples gaming experience...
lineage 2 graphics are amazing, no doubt about that, when i played the game, theres was a big problem with bots and farmers beacuse theres is a huge ebay market for the game. back then the game was a giant grindfest, grinding the same kind of mobs t…
Originally posted by vintageone
You must have dealt with a lot of Noobs / Newbs / N00bz / Newbies / N00bz0rz / Nubs / Nublets / Lamers / Idiots / Morons / And anyothers i forgot to mention.
nib, naab, w/mo, paladin, die nooben, rofflewhore, nib n…
despite all the bashing wow is one of the best mmorpgs out at the moment. its stable, with a lot of content and quite open pvp on pvp servers. personally i would say it was better than eve or guild wars, if you rush through the game trying to get to…
huxley is looking promising, i dont know much about the compant but they seem very professional and seeing as though their products were based at chinese and korean markets up till now, the only thing to do is wait, i hope these games are a big suce…
can anyone elaborate as to why the pvp in eve is so good, i mean when i played it i didnt seem the type of game where the pvp would be so huge, it doesnt seem like it would take much skill or be all that fun..?
i heard city of heros was very good fun and supposed to become a whole lot better when city of villans comes out. the matrix online ive heard alot of bad things about, a friend of mine described it as "complete fucking dog shit."
if pvp is all your really after, planetside, neocron or world of warcraft (has very good ganking)...... lineage 2 also has ffa pvp but i mean it doesnt take any skill or anything not too good........
surely what music is good or bad is completely based upon opinion, what may seem talentless to one person might not to another.... i have my opinions but i cant force them upon people....
i always like to listen to cult of luna when i play games, very interesting melodic yet brutal, slow but intense... give them a try their first and newest albums are my favourites...
in neocron i liked the pe, pretty much a jack of all trades master of none, enough magic to have an ok self heal and some sheilds and just enough fire power to hold his own... now ive played more mmo's ive come to like rogues and stealthers sneakin…
i dont see how it isnt an mmo. Its based completely online, and in towns there is the oppotunity to meet vast amounts of people. it just seems to loose its "massivley multiplayer" part when your out in the sticks...
hmmmm.. i distintly remember beatbox ragging on neocron loads back when nc1 was about and calling everyone fanbois, looks like the shoes on the other foot lol.. i played nc1 and thought it was a very enjoyable game, however coming back to nc and fin…