Played World of Warcraft for about 1 1/2 years and am looking for a new mmorpg to get myself into. Playing a little Battlefiled 2142 right now and liking it.
yea there is so many games that are coming out it is hard to choose. AoC is my number one but i will always have an open mind. Warhammer online sounds pretty sweet but i hope it isnt too much like world of warcrack
i am sure the devs are going to put a structure in. They have to. If they do not, this games subcription base will fall signifcantly after a couple months once people start raiding and it turns out to suck. I dont think PvP raiding is really going t…
yea this trailer makes me drool and cry at the same time. The graphics keep getting better and better each time i see them but my computer keeps looking worse and worse and i dont even know if ill be able to run it atm
Originally posted by Zorvan
Hate to disappoint, but AoC isn't being made by Koreans. Those are the ones making the game you're looking for.
lol he does have a point
why dont we all just calm down, have a nice big pint of ale and relax. Its thanksgiving time when people forget their diffences and come togther to celebrate what they are thankful for. So lets stop the flame war and get a different post going. Each…
thanks a ton, i hope they have the items degarde, i like that added realism and it makes it that much more noticable when u die 100000 times in a raid/siege
Originally posted by ccraven
The thought of dual wielding makes me wish the pc had controllers with the motion sensitivity of the Nintendo Wii. I couldn't imagine anything better than running in to a fight and flailing your arms at your opponents t…
omg that sounds AMAZING, and i am guessing the PvP keeps go along with this but just between people or something like that. i cant wait for BETA OMG!!!!
Originally posted by checkthis500
Wow the scenery is absolutely amazing. I still haven't seen scenery that is as realistic as AoC.
Character models though.... I think they could've spent more time on the animations and look and feel of them. T…
i dont know about you guys. But i am looking forward to some crafting after playing world of warcraft for about 1 1/2 years. Now i looked at the AoC main site and couldnt figure out if crafting was a class of its own or if it was optionable along wi…