It has lots of potential and the map editor which uses triggers is bound to have a alot of cool featured maps
and soon the developers will write a turorial on map editing and modding hopefully it will be more popular then wc3 in the moddin co…
they decided against steam in early beta im pretty sure they want to be completly independant and since they have alot of stats and clan managment hosted by them im guesing that wcould be reasons too
and it is like dota you have 2 bases and you ha…
i played the beta the graphics arent taht impressive but pretty unique gameplay
It uses your browser and a client in teh browser u build research make army and walk around in client u fight and do quests
Its okey but i wouldnt buy it ( then again…
Well if you like roman times u should check out roma victor its pretty much free but the Sentences (their currency) u get by trading for real money
Or Grinding like crazy
ALOT OF GRINDING lol its made to be realistic so if u like those kind of …
The interfase is much better now then it was before now it actualy looks liek a real mmo theg ame play is nice if u like those kind of games its very realistic but not all the features are there now also its abit laggy even on good computers but th…