Absolutly No Big Raids, Nothing Compared to Like MC,Ony, And All those In WoW . GW Has Instances , Which Blows, And they're Only 5 Man Or Something. I Quit GW Went On to Vangaurd. Id Just Stick With WoW. Take My Advice, Because Everyone else Will te…
Let Me ask you these Questions:
1. Out of all the expansions how many new playable races have they made? Hmmm, None Only race Is Human , Pretty Pathetic for a Company , Who Makes Millions(As you say they Do).
2. Can you jump off 1ft ledges in G…
But as you see Nc Soft Has like 5 other games , that have a monthly fee , Like CoV , CoH , L2 , Linage , All those have a monthly fee , so they Shouldnt be realeasing xpacks every month , they should work on one , and make it the best , like WoW (No…
The Game Requires So Much Ram Need Because , Of The World Itself. The Game Has a Bigger Map Then Any Mmo Out Now Basically , And thats Alot For a Computer To handle. EVen Though Is Had Bad Graphics , The Game Is Still good. Ever HEard the saying Nev…