Dedicated online gamer.
Married Mother of one son (our future gamer) My husban also a gamer.
Favorite MMO''s
Runes of Magic -
Evaese Scout/rouge
UO- Smirk, Siren strum, on catskills.
DAOC- Eseave,Siren,Toxice,wienia,Osyna. Pell server&Classic server.
I think most of you should be shamed to call yourself a gamer.
Learn what the game is before you complain, as for hacks what game doesn't have hacks/cheats?
Actually they have fixed a lot of the hack/cheats.
IF you do NOT like pvp this game …
I think some need to step back and read what is to come on this game.
There will be skills
Grouping/Team building
zombies to drop cash and Items even now in beta - so there would be one reason to kill them.
Game not the best out there as of n…
Agreed, If you want to meet some nice people, and enjoy a game. This is for you. Never expect to make money, or be the highest lvl player in few days. It won't happen. That is what I like. No kids (or ones that act like kids) meaning people…
Playing the game, still new at it. Had to deposit cause found out sweating is so low price it is not worth the time spent doing it So If like the game after completeing the newbie mission. (nice one on Arkadia) and once your new guns are all b…
I like that you have to look for a mob to kill for quest and gives you only a general direction. Or even quests as in Atlantica where they ask you questions about your quest you just did, just to make sure you are paying attention.
Got in played a little, it did bring back memories of UO.
I poped right in after downloaded right away I got someone port right to me asking if I would like a tour. That was kinda cool knowing I wasn't alone... since I was playing in morning …
@Rylon, have you played? The community when I played was very nice and helpful. You ask a question about the game and got several answers. I was pleased, you don't see this much anymore in gaming.
How is DAoC somehow more of a PvP game when the real battles don't even start until max level? Somehow having FFA from level 1 doesn't qualify? You're delusional.
DDO is good for what your looking for.
To me to play casual I don't want to pay monthly.
I also enjoyed Runes of Magic, the crafting system not all that great but there is one, along with harvesting.
As long as it fits the game, ROSE online, to me that was cartoon, worked well for the game. Perfect World, to me that is realistic and that worked great for that game. I think to me that is has to do with game and as long as it fits.
I like a variety of it all PvP & PVE. Me personally loved DAOC I thought it had it all. But I am open to anything to me a pvp only game would be more like FPS game, but using swords or whatever it may be. Those are fun and great, but I do ge…