i play lineage 2, and yes it is a grind, but your wrong, there is a max lvl, it's 75.
Also as you lvl, the amount of xp you lose on death is decreased
up to 20 is 10% 20-40 is 8% i believe, 40-50 is 6% i think and anyhigher its 3-4%
PVP >…
My advice is to play Lineage 2. Thats the only game I play right now, and even though, as a noob, its a grind, the upper lvl people I've talked to say that it's worth it, if you want more proof, dl the e3 lineage 2 movies that feature Anthras the dr…
While the list is awesome, there is no way you'll see that in a mmorpg for at least another 5 years...
although if it does comes out it will mimmick real life so much that many people will probbaly be hesitant in buying it
First POST!!!
K, let…