If you enjoyed playing the Final Fantasy series, I must urge you to try Atlantica Online, its just too much fun. Honestly just try it till about lvl 20 or 30. Leveling is easy in the game, due to the abundunce of quests. Not to mention the fact that…
Your right. But he said the question should be more like " Whatever happened to PVE ?", so I addressed that instead of the RPG party =P.
I feel the RP element is pretty relient on the questing, the quests should make you feel like your actuall…
PvE imo is kinda vague, some games have got some parts of it right others don't. PVE (imo), includes pretty much everything from crafting to quests to raids and pretty much everything that isn't PVP. For instance the crafting system in Atlantica is …
Honestly have you played WoW ? Sure gear has alot of influence in PvP but then again it's an mmo everything comes into play. It's more about strategy than twitch skills, you have to know what skill to use when, sure timing does come into play but yo…
To : Caligulug
What ?...........Sorry I didn't understand your post. The only thing I like about WoW is the fact that it encourages or even allows, for that matter, low lvl pvp. It has quite a bit of variety. I dont mind if a game only has 2 races…
Lol, sorry spinach, I am interested in PVP, but I was just talking about how WoW managed to introduce a few thigns at low lvls to keep their audiences hooked (raids being one of them). So yea PVP it is.
csthao I couldn't agree with you more, PVP i…
right back at ya, well after trying some Shaiya pvp, it turned me off even more, being an assasin i could barely get enough dmg out to get a hunter to 1/2hp , before the rest of the lighties swarmed me T.T. Safe to say i'm just not up to getting ano…
hmmm well so far shaiya is ok-ish nothing great, just another grind fest if you ask me. waaayy too much running around, and the combat system could use some refining. I haven't gotten a chance to get into the pvp scene......yet, but the rest of the …
Hehe, lol I already read that post in the original thread ^.^, as a result I'm donwloading Shaia right now, 90% done. I hope its good, do you have any suggestions regarding what I should or should not do from the start ?
Thanks for all the replies, I've tried exteel and its pretty ok, it get's really repetative though. I don't mind a little grind, it's expected, but what I meant was I don't want ONLY end-game pvp, like obviously I wont expect to have full out pvp a…
Lol, no one is "buying" them lol, its a Satisfaction Gauranteed kinda thing, if you get to lvl 50 and are not completely satisfied then they will buy ur account for $20, but you cant use it anymore ofcoarse.
"They"=NDOORs, the makers of the ga…
I really suggest you try AO, its suprisingly good, as close as FF online as u can get. TBH I had my doubts about this game when I first started, but once you get into it and find a good group of friends to help you along, this game is amazing. Other…
Maybe a hotbar for spells and such ? and pretty much what you said. Also, more variety in melee attacks, like if you click once it does a downward diaganal slash (left>right), but if you click again right after the swing it should do something l…
lol he said his pc cant handle it, there aren't many options for u with 256mb. there is a similar game called Aeronaughts, but i think that requires 512 mb as well , exteel is worth a shot, but its pretty repetative, well maybe not now, i did play i…