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  • what game are you speaking of?
  • In a game like Adellion and something that would be ideal to a mmoRPg, is the fact that you train each skill when using it, so that you only get exp for that certain skill, and beside that you can't see any lvls or any info on how good you are at it…
  • You really think they would like it, considering that they can't see their own strenght or other's strength? And that there's strict rules against such things? If it is discovered that they do not RP well, they will be banned from the game?
  • first of all people.. check out Adellion, it has what most RPers are looking for in a mmoRPg. Another thing I would like to say, is that you kill the RP by removing PvP, but in order to reduce the number of non-RPers or anti-RPers on the game, you…
  • To all you PvPers who think this game will be about killing as much as you can.. IT'S NOT! The game is about RP (RolePlay in case you didn't know), and therefore there must be reasons behind every action you do, so you can't just kill every soldie…
  • I'm really looking forward to this game, I've tried some MUDs that were a bit like this.. of course just without the graphics... there is just a tiny thing that makes me sad... what happend to the magic... I need magic... ok I'll play this game beca…
  • so far I'll be checking out Ryzom.. and then after some time I'll give you my opiinion on how the RP is in that game... going to try it for first time in a few minutes now ^^... btw the game requires a damn lot of space on the HD
  • I hope we can find some ultimate mmoRPg... for now I'll just try Ryzom while waiting for Adellion