nothing was better when you could be a badass before kunark by using ice comet, wow wizards used to rock in eq1. If you had a wizzie with ice comet everyone would freak the hell out when he casted that spell because it would look so cool with eqs or…
i would like to see a world of starcraft, personally i don't like WoW and id ont play it, but my entire race (korean) will probably end up ruining World of starcraft for everyone, as in Korea we already worship the zerg and terran enough. :O
Best case scenario for vangaurd is to just complete it, i would love for the game not be so linear. It does not follow the eq1 style with its leveling. It is a little too quest based for me. I am not a big fan of SoE nor am i hater, even though they…
i have not played the game really too much, but i do know that the progressive servers were fun and i would probably return if they made them again but actually didn't let people rush through them. I liked the game a lot until SOL, i think that with…
wow man there has been some awesome posts here. As duiss said on page 1 after i just started reading the threat- he mentioned how the balancing of classes messed with the game. I kinda agree with that, I was a bard pretty much from the beginning and…
i would like to play everquest 1 maybe not first person like oblivion but single player and very similar, i think it would be so freaking cool. You could like also coop with friends online to go into a dungeon or maybe go into an arena for fun pvp. …
oh wow this threat brings a tear to my eyes.
I have my own stories too. I remember my first character as i always kept him on my list of 8 characters uamn -erudite wizard. I actually remember putting stuff into like strengh for him wow were his…