About 1 hour more of Downloading the trial, then im heading in, if i like it, wich i think i will, then ill go get it tomorow along with an SOE Game Time Card just for the heck of it
I played the isle of trials about a year ago, was alot of fun,…
Ive been lookin around for a new game to play since i quit wow about 3 months ago, im considering getting Eq2 and i am currently downloading the trial, you should do that aswell
Anyways ive heard its pretty much nothing like it was at Launch, me…
I like the idea, and with, for example, a system wich lets you choose class at a specific level, it would be perfect considering the fact that the only thing you wouldnt really be deciding on your own would be what race you play as.
Sounds like a…
Havent recieved yet, but ill be patient i guess
Maybet his have something to do with it? ^^
Found on Dreamlords site :
"You can invite 3 friends per month."
Är skit sugen på att Köra L2 men svårt att få tag i det just nu, funtar på att köpa epic boxen genom ncshop, ni spelar väl inte på EU versionen av L2 antar jag?
Bara så jag vet att jag fixar rätt
Hursomehelst, när jag fått tag på spe…
Jag brukade lira L2 för något år sedan och funderar på att skaffa det igen, så tidigt som imorgon ska jag köpa en box med upp till C4 och sen köpa till den C5, Om ni vill ha mig så hoppar jag gärna på o lirar med er på Franz!
Etn helsve…